Transformational Heath Seminars
The Union of Divine Beings of One Sovereign State
And Eternal Youth Enterprises E.Y.E.
Initiate our Effective Natural Health Treatments Seminar Series
A Transformational Natural Health Experience for
Practitioners and Others
Experiential Learning Modules will facilitate Personal Development with a unique synthesis of ancient and original cutting edge Natural Health Tools and Strategies,
including access and development of personal bio-force, elemental attunement, emotional release, observational awareness mapping human structural anomalies, developing strategies for opening and balancing individual soft tissue and neurological priorities with resonant energy, positional release and zero balance touch, facilitating clear cognition, mobility and stability. Self massage, the essence of Lomi Lomi ~ Hawaiian style massage, deep tissue contact with neurological focus and integrative analgesic movements will be explored specific to each individual’s priorities. Assessing, opening and balancing the Autonomic Nervous System will have a primary focus. Unresolved trauma clinic will observe and address the specific soft tissue and neurological priorities of each individual in attendance. Strategies addressing reflex nerve tension Neurological Event Memory, concussion, whiplash, autism, cognitive disorders, shoulder trauma, carpal tunnel, legs, feet, low back, pelvis, abdomen, sexual functions, PMS and pregnancy will also be covered.
This Effective Natural Health Treatment Seminar has been developed and is presented by J. Philip Young, Jr. LMT, Natural Health Pioneer, Fonder of E.Y.E., U.D.B.O.S.S., and Merlin’s Herbal Magic formulas and transformational technology. At 56 years old, he has 40 years experience as a Natural Health Care Services Provider. His Transformational seminars and bodywork treatments are known worldwide and are being documented in a series of books soon coming. These include Polishing the Goddess, Ghost Hunter, Walking Wounded, Attaining Balance Through Self-Observation Massage and Movement, and Neurologic Integration, The Fast Track for Resolving Personal History.
“Neurological Integration is the fast track for resolving traumatic history.”
– J.P. Young Jr. LMT
Seminar Time: Dates to be announced. Location: To be announced.
Private Sessions with J. Philip Young Jr. are available by appointment.
Refreshments and a Vegan Lunch will be served both days.
Cost: $440. Partial scholarships may be available.
Wear comfy clothes, bring yoga mat, water and massage table if available.
Space is limited. Contact us to reserve your space and get directions to the location.
If interested in a workshop in your area, please contact us at